• You will receive a email confirmation and tracking number after your order is shipped. After it is in the mail we do not know anything beyond what the tracking info provides to you. Most items ship out in 3-15 business days unless the item description states differently.

  • Yes! Customs and import taxes (VAT/GST) might apply to international orders. I will not be responsible for any delays or extra costs incurred.

  • In the rare event your order is lost, damaged, or stolen in (or after) the shipping process, we are not responsible for replacing or refunding the items. Feel free to contact us and we will do what we can to help, but unfortunately we are working with the same information you are after the package is initially shipped. Contacting the local post office or USPS at 1 (800) 275-8777 is the best way to get answers or recover your package.

    Any package shipped back to us as "Return To Sender" for failure to deliver/receive/collect from the carrier or facility or from an incorrect address, will be be issued a refund for the items. Please double check your shipping address!

  • Wash the shirt inside out with cool water and like colors. Hang dry or dry with lowest heat possible. Washing it how you normally do with like colors will also be ok.